Held at Roma Restaurant in Mechanicsville. This will be an IN PERSON party.
For our Holiday Party the Menu will be a Buffet Style, with several options, including a desert and regular drink options,( non alcoholic drinks, wine or beer will be the responsibility of the person ordering). We will be in a private room so it will be an intimate area, for all our members. There will be a cost of $10 per person (member price) or $20 per person (non member) JRAS will pick up the balance of the bill for this event. All Bar type orders, will be up to each person. We will also be having our Holiday Gift Exchange, whereby anyone who wishes to take part needs to bring a wrapped Aquarium related gift, (approx $15 value) and at a point during the party we will draw numbers and explain all the details of the exchange. This is a fun way to share and receive aquarium related items, and usually turns out very enjoyable and fun for everyone. *there is no need to make mention of this in your rsvp, just bring your item, (1 per person partaking) to the party, as we will pick numbers and explain rules at the restaurant.
It is IMPERATIVE, that we get a RSVP from anyone wishing to attend, by November 30th, so we have an accurate account for the restaurant. Please RSVP to Dennis Bragg at 804-690-2152 or roovle@gmail.com.