2022 Capital Cichlid Association Monthly Meetings/Fish Swaps are back!
SAVE THE DATES!!February ZOOM Virtual Meeting – February 12th @ 1 pmHave you ever dreamed about creating a fish room? Open Fish Talk with Greg O’Neil. Hear how he moved 16 tanks from his townhouse and moved across states to a NEW larger fish room, that he built from scratch. See how he did it, learn how he set up the filtration, air supply, what he used for building the rack walls and more!**This is a closed ZOOM meeting invite. We don’t want to have hackers join us again. So, if you want to attend, please go to the link: https://www.capitalcichlids.org/forums/threads/february-2022-virtual-meeting.43828/#post-298450 and then message us per the instructions. You will be given a link to join the zoom.MARCH 12, 2022 – IN-PERSON Meeting @1 pmWe are securing a speaker; There will also be a group buy and a mini auction. Details are coming soon. APRIL 9th, 2022 – OUTDOOR Fish Swap – Time TBD – Location RockvilleInfo on tables and group buys to follow. Location will the same as the last Fish Swap: Gilis Automotive at 12410 Washington Ave, Rockville, MD 20852. MAY 14th, 2022 – IN-PERSON Meeting @ 1 pmWe are securing a speaker; There will also be a group buy and a mini auction. Details are coming soon.