CCA IS BACK!!!! MARCH 12, 2022 – IN-PERSON Meeting @ 12:30 pm – 4 pm @ Glenallan Elementary School – 12520 Heurich Road, Silver Spring, MD 20902 Talk by Kevin@TUIC will begin at 1:15 pm. This elementary school is about two blocks west of the usual CCA meeting location on Randolph Road. CCA will be back at the usual location: R F Kennedy HS in May. In April CCA will have a tail-gating event, details later. The owner of TANGLED UP IN CICHLIDS (TUIC) Kevin will be the speaker. Tangled Up in Cichlids is an internet-based tropical freshwater fish import/export company that has been in operation since 1995. TUIC specializes in New World Cichlids, as well as Characins, catfish, plecos, and other rare and unusual species from around the globe. Kevin has been in the aquarium hobby for 35 years most of which was as a private hobbyist and breeder until taking on the role of owner/operator of TUIC in 2019. TUIC continually offers a unique and widely diverse weekly updated stock list that is available to the public online via the internet, that rivals or surpasses most private and open-to-public retail establishments in the US. Website: Group buy from TUIC The group buy is offered until March 9th. Go to the CCA website for details. Kevin will need the final orders by midnight on March 9th so that he can prepare them to get packed to bring with him. Paid CCA members can get 15% off and free shipping. Orders must be picked up at this CCA meeting. Mini Auction – Go to to enter your items for this CCA mtg. You must be a CCA member to sell at the CCA mini-auctions. Need to re-up your CCA membership? Do it online on the CCA forum with PayPal or at the club meeting in person.
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