Hi Everyone,
My angelfish is acting lethargic and not eating. When I feed flakes, she goes and watches each one closely but doesn’t eat it. If she does eat one, her mouth goes into spasms like it’s difficult or painful for her to swallow it. She shows no other signs of illness.
Do any of you have suggestions for me to help her?
Daniel Heifetz
Hi Dan:
Angels are a unique group of fish, with problems that other fish don's seem to get..
I have had Altums that got a terrific case of septocemia, (sp?) and had to use antibiotic flakes on them for a while... I did lose one but with very regular water changes, and the antibiotic flakes they seemed to come back around,
I honestly wouldn't claim to know your situation, but i think would i would do is go to the angelfish society, and ask your question... That list has all angel folks on it and if someone has seen this before, they will be able to help you.
just go to The Angelfish Society www.theangelfishsociety.org
see if this helps....
good luck