The November meeting will be an IN-PERSON meeting, PLEASE NOTE: this meeting is a week earlier than our normal monthly meeting date and time....
We will be holding our November meeting at Logo Advantage, and while it will be an in-person meeting, please practice social distancing, and masks are recommended. Our speaker for this month is Todd Wenzell, from the Raleigh area. Todd has collected in South America and will be giving us a lecture on one of the most popular genus of fish species - TETRAS!!! his bio and header for this lecture are listed below.
As usual for our monthly meetings, we will have our mini auction at the end of the Lecture. Richard Trownsell, may have already sent you a notice on this months "GROUP ORDER" I believe he is setting up a group buy from WETSPOT..... Don't forget to get in on this GROUP BUY! Wetspot is one of our premier vendors and you can always get great healthy fish from them. Reach out to Richard to take advantage of no shipping charges on your order,
Todd Wenzell:
Todd Wenzel has been keeping aquariums for well over 50 years. Born in a Milwaukee suburb, he now lives near Raleigh, NC. His undergraduate degree is in Fishery Science and he has a Masters in Zoology, specifically, fish immunology. Todd has worked for the Cooperative Extension Service, and managed both a tropical fish store and an aquaculture research center. He has spawned about 150 species of fish, both fresh and salt water. Todd has collected fish in Peru, Brazil and Jamaica (on his honeymoon). He enjoys the support of his wife Dee and daughter Cristen. Todd also competes as a international level target shooter, winning a silver medal in the 2018 World Muzzle Loading Championships in Austria. And, he brews beer to keep sharp as he’s a Certified beer judge.
CHARACINS... That’s Tetras for you in Rio Linda!
The Neon tetra is still one of the most desired fish in the hobby. Neons and many other small schooling fish belong to a group of fish called Characins... tetras. Although they become food for many a predator, tetras possess numerous traits and attributes to help them survive and to endear them to aquarists all over the world. Todd Wenzel has collected both neons and cardinals in the wild and will talk about this fascinating group of fish. You’ll hear about the pluses and minuses, feeding, breeding and more. Y’all come!