This is our large fall auction of tropical fish, aquariums, supplies, and plants. Besides finding all kinds of fish and plants it is an opportunity to meet and socialize with many people in the hobby both from Richmond and in surrounding areas. This is a good time to share fish/plants and obtain new ones.
Check the auction tab for rules and guidelines on our website:
The auction will be run through:
Please register any items you wish to sell on the My Group Auction website (above). You can also view items that individuals are putting in the auction to sell.
PLEASE NOTE We will be at the New Location of LOGO ADVANTAGE
new location:
Logo Advantage 8055 Mechanicsville Tnpk, Mechanicsville, Va 23116
Just a few doors down from the old store - right accross from the Post Office.

Check out some great fish and items registered in our fall auction for this Saturday October 19th in Mechanicsville Virginia. Auction starts at 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
8055 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Mechanicsville Virginia
Our food truck for the auction this Saturday October 19th