Well... if you forgot or couldn't make it, you missed our inaugural first virtual meeting.
Mike Barber did an excellent job of setting up our ZOOM meeting and we not only had Devon Graham join us but we also had a visit from Bill Sheilds from Tampa Florida, who is a Killie enthusiast from the local killiefish group down in florida.
Mike gave us a brief "lightning talk" on collecting in florida where Bill helped out with some background on that trip.
Then Devon gave us an update on the situation in Peru, with Covid-19, upcoming collecting possibilities and general information on some of the fish that have been collected there.
The group (we had 9 members tonight) got together and talked about their fish situations, since we have not seen each other much since February. Linda and Tim spoke of how their fish were doing. Richard asked questions on getting his corydoras pygmaeus to breed, and susan was able to show off her recent adopted kitties.
Folks, this may be the way we will be going for a while now, until the covid thing gets solved, so some of our leadership have been thinking on ways to make the club more accessible to its members...
We are open to ideas, but some of the things we are contemplating are future virtual meetings, Possibly a virtual bowl show, where members simply take photos of their favorite fish, and we have a mini contest based on the entries.
Talk is going on right now for JRAS members to have a means to sell fish and plants, tanks and supplies not by auction but a "tag sale" or yard sale of sorts, where we would show up in our cars and sell from pre-arranged sales lists, posted on our Marketplace forum. This event would be held instead of an all day auction, and would be advertised to the Richmond area fish enthusiasts. Dates, Times and venue are being looked into, but would probably be in October...
This virtual meeting was not as long as a regular monthly meeting but I think it was a positive way to get our members back into the swing of our meeting plan. We are already talking about a September meeting.
I certainly hope more people think about coming in to our next meeting... After all, we are doing this for you, our members.
If anyone has ideas for our leadership to move forward with events, please drop a line here.
Hi Everyone,
I just joined and have moved to Staunton, Va from Md. I have a 125 gallon freshwater aquarium with a community of fish, from swordtails to rainbows to rose line sharks, etc. the tank is set up as a seof-sustainable biosystem with natural river substrate and live plants.
I look forward to participating in your club!
Daniel Heifetz