David Sombach<davidsombachphoto@gmail.com>11:05 PM (1 minute ago)to JRASBlake:please send me the information on the rice fish group, and where you saw the info on rice fish eggs, and such...I am interested in trying the purchasing eggs idea, and will be happy to work on sharing with you, if we can come up with ideas for getting some of the newer varieties.... I would be willing to eat the postage or shipping in order to get some of the different fish...thanksdavid
David Sombach <davidsombachphoto@gmail.com>11:05 PM (1 minute ago) to JRAS Blake:please send me the information on the rice fish group, and where you saw the info on rice fish eggs, and such... I am interested in trying the purchasing eggs idea, and will be happy to work on sharing with you, if we can come up with ideas for getting some of the newer varieties.... I would be willing to eat the postage or shipping in order to get some of the different fish... thanks david