We encourage our members to support our local Fish Stores. But, they can keep only so many species. Wetspot offers a large selection of species many hard to find.
If we have enough interest we will have a group Wetspot order with free shipping. To see their current stock go to https://www.wetspottropicalfish.com/current-stock. To participate you must be be a JRAS member.
If there is adequate interest we will contact you with information on how to order through JRAS and the delivery of the fish.
If you are interested respond to this post.
Responses will be tabulated on March 31st.
We have enough interest in a Wetspot group order. Details to follow.
Milan is interested in ordering.
I would rather order as quickly as possible as David and Linda are both on tight schedules, but April is nearly upon us. What time would David need to order his fish to make sure it did not interfere with his April trips? I could easily move up my schedule to almost immediately.
I'm interested in ordering, assuming they still have the fish I want when the order is placed.
I'm interested in ordering.
April will be a problem for me acquiring fish, as i am travelling a lot next month...
might have to wait on this one.
Yes. I plan on ordering multiple species.
I am interested if you do a group order. Thanks Karl
Rich, i am interested, but need to know couple things...
what date are you thinking of receiving the order (if it happens)
how are we paying for the items, direct with wetspot or through you?