Great starter tank to explore the saltwater hobby, includes:
- 90 gallon aquarium
- Light - Fluval Marine & Reef LED 2.0
- UV Light – 24 Watt Aqua Ultraviolet UV Clarifier
- Wood cabinet
- Large Sump
- Euro-Reef RSA135 Protein Skimmer
- Large amount of live rock
- Fish
o Foxface Rabbitfish
o Blue Tang
o Flame Hawkfish
o Coral Beauty Anglefish
o Clown Fish
Recipient must move on their own.
- Bring numerous buckets for water and décor (90 gal tank plus sump volume)
- Bring someone to assist with loading
Location: Williamsburg, VA
Contact Mike Dudley 804-385-8547
If the buyer needs help moving the tank. I'd be willing to lend a hand in exchange for some livestock. I've moved many tanks and have a truck as well.
Very nice tank!