Anubias barteri: large: $25, small: $15

Corydoras atropersonatus: 1" to 1 1/2" juveniles $7 I have 40+

Corydoras CW010 "gold laser" 1" juvenile 1", $8 I have 5

Corydoras CW009 "Green laser" 3/4" juvenile, $8 I have 4

Nannostomus mortenthaleri "Coral Red Pencilfish" 1" juvenile $8 I have 10+

Laetacara araguaiae "purple smiler" near adult size $2 I have 30+

Tateurndina ocellicauda "Peacock gudgeon" Pairs $15 I have 3 pairs

Blue Dream shrimp these are cherry shrimp line bred for blue color. In order to keep the bright blue coloration the breeding group needs to be culled regularly. Group of 8+ $35, all are bright blue, I have one group available.

while i cannot speak for everyone, most vendors are accepting cash tomorrow...
assuming the person gets your order, and brings it, you can most likely pay them at the tailgate tagsale.
I would like to purchase 6 corydora atropersonatus. I would also like to be considered for some CW009 in the future, could be shipped possibly. Do I need to pay in advance, just let me know.
I would like to purchase 6 corydora atropersonatus. I would also like to be considered for some CW009 in the future, could be shipped.
if it is not to late I would like to order : 4 cory atropersonatus 6 laetacara araguaie
I would like to get 6 corydora atropersonatus. If you have more CW009 in the future I would buy some! Do I need to pay in advance?
I'll bring it, Marty. See you tomorrow.
I’d like to buy your large $25 Anubias.
Marty Verdery
I don't think I double-posted for this event, did I? I changed my profile when I logged in to post in the marketplace forum for tomorrow. If I did, my apologies.
did you post under tomahawk450 also?
Shoot, David, you invited me. I probably won't be able to bring any fish that haven't been ordered ahead of time, but I should be there from 1 to 2 or so.
Don Kinyon (C. teniente avatar should have given it away!)
who is this???how will i know who to look for at the tagsale?
Coral Reds and CW009 are sold out. I'll be at the swap meet around one and will most likely have to leave fairly early again (sorry about that). Silver Toyota Tundra "6 weelin" on the tags.
Large Anubias are gone.