So i am working with Plakat Bettas right now. These are Koi plakats but it is very interesting that the fry are not all "koi" colored like the parents In fact i am getting solid colors, including solid whites.
Hardest part of the process was that the first born fry are very very tiny and i have to feed infusoria or 5 micron golden pearls. they are just to small to take baby brine shrimp (BBS). The other day during a fellow club discussion, it was suggested to try hard boiled egg yolk, but my previous attempts with this food source created far more problems with fowling the fry tank so i took the advice of Bob Bock, and just put a very little bit in by rubbing my finger on a piece of the dried egg yolk, then just touching my finger to the surface of the water in the fry tank. This allows a very fine film of the yolk to cover the surface and the babies can eat from this. there is not too much as there would be if you were to swish your finger in the tank, which would create too much food and not enough fry to eat it in a reasonable time.
I will post some pics of the babies soon, and will create a full writeup.
we just recently had a huge spawn 50-100 babies of betta fry. the father is a koi and the mother is a black halfmoon. they are about 2 to 3 months old.