Our November Meeting of the James River Aquarium Society will be on November 20th, :Please note this month's meeting is a week earlier, so that people can spend the holiday with their families, in observance of Thanksgiving.
** We will hold our Elections at this meeting and the Nominations Chair will announce the slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The topic this month is: "Feeding Quality foods to your fish"
Meeting will start at 7:00 pm
Our members will be spearheading this topic, with several live cultures, and several options to offset your feeding program to keep your fish healthy and happy.
Blake and SJ will be hosting a talk on their setup and program for keeping "Blackworms"
Jim will show us a new setup for culturing Vinegar Eels, that will make keeping these little worms very easy and simple to feed your young fish. Anyone that wants a starter of "Green Water", "Infusoria", or "Daphnia" please bring a small bottle (water bottle size container) to the meeting and he will supply you with your own starter for these above cultures.
Dennis will show us his microworm culture techniques, and this simple plan enables us to have live foods for our micro fish and young fry.
We will also talk about easy methods for raising baby brine shrimp - a true staple for raising young fish, and works well for adults too.
David will walk us through making Repashy, a true tested gel food that is good for just about anything you have from shrimp to fish..
We will have an open discussion about other good quality foods to keep your fish fat and healthy.
We will be holding a MINI AUCTION , after the lectures, so bring in your goods for the auction.
As usual, folks that want to meet for dinner at the Mexico Restaurant at 5:30 before the meeting are welcome to attend.
Please note: The new location of Logo Advantage, 8055 Mechanicsville Turnpike, just a block down from the old location, (just across from the post office.
JRAS Holiday Party will be on December 7, 2024 at Roma’s Staples Mill Rd.