CCA will meet on February 11th at Glenallan Elementary School – 12520 Heurich Road, Silver Spring, MD 12:30-4:30 pm Meeting room opens at 12 noon.
Speaker – Christine Keys who is an avid cichlid keeper, carnivorous plant keeper, and past CCA president.
Christine will talk about the CARES program to preserve endangered fishes and what you can do as an aquarist to help fishes on the CARES list. There are actually many fishes in the hobby that are on the list. Chindongo demasoni (those beautiful black and blue stripped cichlids), Sahyadria denisonii (red-line torpedo barb), cherry barbs, and Hypancistrus sp. L333 are just some of the CARES species kept by many in the hobby. CARES is designed to be implemented through local aquarium societies and national as well as international organizations. CCA and over 30 other fish clubs (mainly US clubs) are current members.
CARES actually stands for Conservation, Awareness, Recognition and Responsibility, Encouragement and Education, and Support and Sharing.
After the talk there will be a raffle and a mini-auction. Enter your items for the auction at